The Virtual Builder – End-to-End Solution, Execution & Plug-n-Play Partner.

An Outcome-Focused AI Accelerant for Project Delivery.

Our Solution

Day 2+ is offering the sector a transformative new-to-market multi-tenant enterprise solution in decision technology for the end-to-end management of projects.

With Day 2+, a partner will have the ability to access and complete more tasks/jobs as well as see value unlocked in improved working capital
1. Ability to Complete More Jobs
  • Increase utilization through reduced job volatility
  • Increase share of technician time spent on revenue generating work
  • Access to jobs across a single client portfolio in addition to/from new customer set
  • Access to jobs across industry sectors and commercial building types, such as office, industrial, data center...
2. Faster Payment Time
  • Greater accuracy in billing
  • Mitigated bad debt risk
Disadvantages of Using Multiple Technologies and CM’s by Partners
1. Complexity of Dispatch / Scheduling
  • Leads from multiple networks complicate efficient assigning of work to technicians (and disrupt any scheduling tools provided by networks)
2. Wasted Time Resulting from Usage of Multiple Front-End Apps
  • Having different systems and requirements results in more administrative time for technicians (who must learn to use multiple systems)
3. Additional Administrative Work
  • Usage of different platforms to process billing, handle quality assurance (e.g., upload photos), resolve rate or quality disputes, etc. results in additional administrative work for affiliates
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intends to disrupt the category by unlocking greater value through transparency granted by the connectivity of activities dually levered by decision technology.

Improved Metric
Revenue per Employee
Operational Efficiency
Quality of Work
Productive Work Time
Tasks Closure Rates
Met Milestone Rate
Tasks Forecast Accuracy
Data Quality
Client Retention Rate
Client Satisfaction
Vendor Satisfaction
Employee Efficiency
Employee Turnover Ratio
Employee Engagement Rate
Human Capital ROl
Decreased Metric
Overhead Costs
Hours Worked per Process
Tasks Schedule Variance
Overdue Milestone Rate
Client Churn Rate
Vendor Churn Rate
Employee Training Cost

The Significant Barriers to Entry Built by Day 2+ Will Sustain Competition Over Time

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Service Partner

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Your Virtual Execution Partner

Day 2+ is in the technology services sector delivering technology to provide improved outcomes for 3-way marketplace of constituencies: Real Estate Owners in addition to Construction Managers, Contractors as well as Technicians alike.

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Your Virtual Plug-N-Play Partner

The platform will seek to transform the service delivery model to spotlight the road to a better way with a complete solution in a purpose-built & highly scalable end-to-end integrated proprietary platform solution that emphasizes decision technology.

Our Journey

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